Hey are you ok? You look sad.
It's just normal for me to say to a person "i'm ok, i'm just bored ."
the truth in my heart was "i'm not, i'm crying inside.It just hurts too much."
Hey what are u doing?
Usually i would say "Nothing, i'm just staring in the space."
the truth i was looking somewhere, somewhere beyond your knowing.
Anyway it's just a message to say don't judge a person on what they say. Judge a person by their movement. Find and look on where they are looking. Give a pat when they look down then only ask what had happen. Concentrate when they are talking for they know if u are giving your attention to them or not.
Overall..i aso duno why i write this :P~
blogging time..wa can see tat quite some time i din write my blog d OOll
so yea now..quite bored..in school gt something happen
i went up the stairs (accidentally at the boys side) to take my book to pass up to pn.theng
the when i went down..suddenly.......the whole thing happen..walau....duno how to say la...now duno how to face *cough cough* == haiz...
very bad day it is...
but quite happy though... :P
haiz...now bored..duno what to do yet!
but thinking..thinking of a solution of all this..
*think like einstein*
still fail XD
aiyo dun wan think d!
just enjoy and go play~hehe..he~
bye bye
13 years ago