Well today was kinda bored...but at school is quite fun :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
New song?? o.O
Posted by *Catherine* at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
As always~....
Posted by *Catherine* at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Today sooo fun xD~~
Posted by *Catherine* at 1:45 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 8, 2010
IT's just a ongoing life to be enjoy! XD
Hey are you ok? You look sad.
It's just normal for me to say to a person "i'm ok, i'm just bored ."
the truth in my heart was "i'm not, i'm crying inside.It just hurts too much."
Hey what are u doing?
Usually i would say "Nothing, i'm just staring in the space."
the truth i was looking somewhere, somewhere beyond your knowing.
Anyway it's just a message to say don't judge a person on what they say. Judge a person by their movement. Find and look on where they are looking. Give a pat when they look down then only ask what had happen. Concentrate when they are talking for they know if u are giving your attention to them or not.
Overall..i aso duno why i write this :P~
blogging time..wa can see tat quite some time i din write my blog d OOll
so yea now..quite bored..in school gt something happen
i went up the stairs (accidentally at the boys side) to take my book to pass up to pn.theng
the when i went down..suddenly.......the whole thing happen..walau....duno how to say la...now duno how to face *cough cough* == haiz...
very bad day it is...
but quite happy though... :P
haiz...now bored..duno what to do yet!
but thinking..thinking of a solution of all this..
*think like einstein*
still fail XD
aiyo dun wan think d!
just enjoy and go play~hehe..he~
bye bye
Posted by *Catherine* at 5:14 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 17, 2010
kai sheng's b'day party~
Wa today...really crazy weih ==
i kena splash non-stop by the julio, shen wei, yoong jin, suki and a few more ==
at first was like i'm the only person that wasm't wet...then later suki try to splash water at me..
first time fail, second time aso fail, third time lagi fail, fouth time......she success.... :(
lolz..but very fun weih!! can't forget!!
gt a lot of good things happen~ *good things XD*
lolz then aso i feel== too slippery adi,
the floor gt water mix flour OOll..haiz when fell time was embarrassing..but felt good cause first time fall..haiz
overall! it's very fun XD
Posted by *Catherine* at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
hmm..let's see..
Today my group came to my house to lakon practice la
gt me,jo-yen,adil,wan seng,kelvin and zahirul but he din come lo.
after we discuss,we finish d but still gt time so we play true or dare~
then we keep on use the reflecting method :P
then later felt hungry..so we go change lo
later go mac donald~
but adil din go so only 4 of us lo
then gt something stupid hapen!!
we went there buy food at 11.55
and guess wat?!
we take to our table..
and suddenly gt one person same out and change the menu to the lunch set wan..and we rugi like rm 3 like this!!
everyone like 'be song' la
haiz...so i opposite the resit, dun see first,after eat only see lo
then we wan balas dendam~
wan seng and mah kelvin go take a lot of pepper and salt packets lo
go put on our burger and fries..a lot of people seeing ==
dun care then wan seng put a lot of pepper and salt on his fries~
then we try..
OMG so salty and spicy XD haha
then we try to finish our drink wan to refill ma..but everyone too full and water tank can't so ya we din go refill..so sad XD
nvm next time go balas dendam again XD
make mac donald go bankrupt~ lalala
not my fault *act innocent*~ lalala XD
okok bye for now~
Posted by *Catherine* at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Today very fun!!
talk wif qao min and a few people la..*something pervert* XD
then we make up some jokes bout qao minn la~ so funny until the whole class hear our laughing~
maybe the next class hear us but duno la~no teacher ma :P
then gt one part when i saw la edmund talking wif calvin..he drinking water then suddenly calvin run out of the class and puke out the water he drank outside near the stairs wan so funny!!
then later ICTL teacher come in lo..class again very quiet..
after finish copying notes..i sit wif aiswarya...
then she go sit on my place lo
then duno why i talking wf porvin,adil,calvin and jeremy OO *see! !malaysia!!~
talk talk talk..
then we ask for numbers lo..
jeremy go gime wan seng,keeren,yi shern and reshan..==
his number pulak say duno..
ps:u r so smart..remember people number but duno ur own number..haiz.
then talk talk talk
until non-stop~
sudenly talk bout pets..and the word cat came out..from calvin!!
argh..*kick him*
so fun lar today..just felt something left out but oh well~
today non-stop laugh until stomach still pain..T_T sad~
Posted by *Catherine* at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Today so fun!! somehow la..
went for the pesta buku trip~
me jo-yen qao min aiswarya and nurdini and other peoples which i duno la..
wow..we bought so many things then later go eat lunch..
the worst thing is we ate a sucky food which is also sooo expensive!!
*T_T wasted so much money rm 8 for the stupid chicken rice...*
not nice at all..!!
then eating time,gt one lady ask us to go to their bazaar..
then we go la..of course after eating la..
then we see..wah gt a few nice bracelet...so see see see lo..
jo-yen go ask bargain until buy 3 for rm15 wor..so i choose 1 qao choose 1 and jo-yen choose 1 lo...
well...this is the first bracelet i have~ :D so happy...well we wore it lo~
mine something like this one lo but gt butterfly shape aso la..
then gt comic sale..*rambang mata* XD
me and qao minn buy so many comics..lol
then later go back liau...
walk to the bus..but can't find the bus T_T later found ,faster run to the bus XD
so tired..came back..rest
then go to hui ching house..
josephine,priyanka,isabel,ee ling,elisa, yen lin and me gt go~
bring her presents~
swam..but i n isabel din swim~
we do some bubble thing..next time only upload pic~now lazy...
later we see movie...
for a while do earth hour..for the moment then we go decorate the cupcake!!
gt pic aso..but din upload now lo XD
bye~ wan go sleep liau..so tired== today no rest at all..
so duno why feel so.......something la..
Posted by *Catherine* at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Ok..now a question for everyone!!
When we take on something...there is always a risk,..rite?!rite?!
So are u just gonna get the risk or just quit!!
If u can't take it,JUST GET THE HELL OF!!
but if u want to take the freaking risk,then it's good.*proud*
so now..
if u had already DECIDE-ED to take that freaking risk,JUST SHUT IT AND DO THE SHITTING-BEST MOVE U CAN DO!! :<[P]
If not dun do anything nonsense-ly STUPID AND JUST bye bye
So shut the hell up do it!
for someone,pls dun ask me why i stupid-ly write this unless a few people in my class la!!
So i should just say bye bye sucker!!
so ya...i ciau first..
Posted by *Catherine* at 4:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Today went pactice..
only gt 5 people..me , wan ting , gabriel , muthu , and nicholas..
coach say if not more than 6 people or 6 people than he dun want coach T_T..
so coach went back lo..
then left we 5~
did a lot of things..
first!! is we take ice-cream for free XD
ps:cannot tell how if not everyone kena kaw kaw haha
then gab go climb some stairs like this~
Nah, this is the pic of him climbing and jumping down later...
then later..he jump...\/
jump down and felt his toes pain pulak oolll..
oh well..then later go back home early lo~
then saw my cupboard...OMG!!
so messy...haiz..Ter-paksa clean and re-arrange lo..
haiz then it became this>>>.>>>jeng jeng jen jeng>> so happy now all better liau XD
so now quite sweaty == haiz..
but ok la..hope not mess up AgAin..
feel sooo good and this is a random pic i saw..just kinda bad lo..from econsave...
then this 2 pic is dedicated specially for one of my friend XDnice eh? XD* no offense ah* XD
ok la..
Posted by *Catherine* at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sometimes food are expensive but nice to see and eat..
but after hearing this u might change ur mind bout FOOD!!
very sad wan..
today i went to my grandmother's house,guess wat..
i help to cook spagetti and mushroom potato soup and winter melon soup..! big bowl..
later my grandma's sister came wif 2 packets of char siew and duck rice..
3 people eat 1 big bowl of spagetti,1 big bowl of mushroom potato soup,1 big bowl of winter melon soup,1 packet char siew fan,i packet of duck rice *for breakfast* ==
soo full.........
one person each u know..
walau can't imagine non-stop eat until wan vomit liau cause dun wan waste ma..
so force to eat..
then next thing i know is tat i almost vommited so i stop lo..
last time cny aso same thing happen...
in the end gave up adi..so full~..
go first lo..
Posted by *Catherine* at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Randomly talk
Went to the national library...
and guess what caught my eye...Something is just sooo wrong
nvm then go borrow some books BUT...
is from another building...(looks more..old...)
then go borrow some books..went i think level 3
after that want go back already..went in the lif *press level 1*
should be ground floor..went open time,looks so scary..the lights non-stop blink-ing OOlll
faster press close...phew~~
then later reach d..came out lo...
later go eat at some restaurant on the hill or something like this lo
the food very...
boleh tahan la..haiz..sad...
oh well~
Posted by *Catherine* at 5:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
my spetacular hp!!
Wat a wonderful day not...
gt hp so nice~
today school okok lor..haiz..not tat ok ==
well..gt something..haiz..
then come back do revision!!!
for the coming exam..so scared wei..
i started studying like....umm...1 of feb..haiz until now..
rely want get all a's!! gambateh!!
Posted by *Catherine* at 7:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
yesterday..my group have a drama..
i charlote(la cholotta)..maegan-christine dae...gabriel(raoul)..nafiq-erik
walau..i actually need to act in the song paparazi..==
at first when talking aso the connection of the microphone suddenly drop out..
...(no comment).....
then later my turn finish liau~ so freaking happy...
but when i sang time..i was looking in front of the space so i felt better~XD
so oh well..at least finishd lo..i wore a dress..teacher and a few friends say nice~ thanks!!!
bye bye
Posted by *Catherine* at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
26 feruary 2010
Yesterday went for ptag cny party~ so fun
gt a lot of games ~ won a few games lo
qao min and claire and chloe together aso la~
haiz..go back time the keyboard just spoilt so today buy new one..
not so farmiliar with it cause new~
so oh well XD~
Posted by *Catherine* at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Today pj quite boring..nth to play wan...
then later the group say wan practice for the act then just follow lo~
my group may be able to act in the minggu bahasa day...
oh well~..we doing phantom of the opera..remix version..
i act as la charlotta~..need to act arrogant and angry type..according to my other friend..
haiz..the lines remembered adi but still scared..cause tomolo going to perform in front of teacher
hope the teacher agrees though~haiz..now so late adi..
just finish revision sejarah...it turn out to be quite interesting >.<
so now..do nothing just breathe..thinking of...../nth
ciau~(in italian language=bye~)
Posted by *Catherine* at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A lot of thing happen..
duno which one to say..
first watch movie!! some paranormal something...with friends la..
quite normal lo...then eat pizza~
then talk bout 'people' which is teachers and friends and 'peoples' la...
later,after the rain stop (still drizzling though)we play fireworks..
aiya just duno how to say but very funny la..
came back to her house at 9.18..
then go in the room..
prank call...use some machine to put the voice XD so funny...can't stand..
later renee go back first..then only i go back at 10 o'clock like this...anyway today very fun lo~
oh well~
Posted by *Catherine* at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
Yesterday!! so fun XD
jun jun and sun sun and parents came to my house so happy!!
We went to eat dinner together~saw some funny movie then go back lo~
the fun came!! we play f*******s so fun~ light it up then we play fire haha
but then adi 11 p.m..need to go back adi T_T once a year only can see them cause they dun stay here wan..haiz
oh well~
today aso went to cousin house~
do same thing..quite normal..oh well did the same thing,play eat sleep hehex~
so now blogging~ holidays quite fun eventhough din go outstation or even get out of selangor XD
go first~
Posted by *Catherine* at 6:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
house vistting XD
Today went to my mom's cousin' wife's house..in bukit rimau (the community wan)
gt ang pows haha XD
well then saw fireworks..so nice and big
very sparkling~
...nth much to talk today la..haiz..
ciau...go first ^^
Posted by *Catherine* at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 12, 2010
happy holidays~ XD
today is the day of all..!!
holidays have arrive again XD
well yeaterday gt some valentine gift!! so freaking happy...~
gt 3 roses~ yellow(qao minn-happy valentine day to cat~),white(edwin-ilv as a friend) and one more is for free one XD
today gt chocolate!! from liandra..~the chocolate is a bar wan so i gave some to my friends~
so nice!! but melt adi so put in the fridge~hehe
just now gt volleyball practice but later rain!! haiz
swt ==
so practice for a while then go back~
now in a quite happy mood~ hehe
but...haiz something la...just soo wrong..just very wrong tat make me feeling down the whole day..
anyway noow cheer up cause of HOLIDAY!!!
yay hahahaha
Posted by *Catherine* at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
so happy!!
Today..surprisingly!! my childhood friend came!! haha
so fun XD non-stop play...hehex~
anyway going to cut short cause wanna continue the game~
their name is jun jun and sun sun~~ boy la..haiz
Posted by *Catherine* at 6:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Today gt pj with 2b and some form 1 clas
then gt play badminton..
i and renee par while qao minn and jo-yen pair..
we bet we gt 15 first must get a C2 drink and an ice-cream each~
so i and renee was leading...
wat stupid thing happen was tat the shuttle cock flew on the roof...T_T
can't play....then we ask ling jie to help us take but fail..
then we ask some form 1 guy (quite tall) to take for us..
but aso faill...then ask one teacher...he say aiya nvm la...
oo lucky haha
but felt bad...haiz....
anyway...now just finish study sejarah!! banzai~haha
haiz..quite bored well..
gtg liau
XD tata
Posted by *Catherine* at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 31, 2010
today ok ok lo..
kinda bored..but days are always fill with HOMEWORK!!
mad eyes..@@ change to panda eyes haha~
today went eat at tony roman..went in a lot of people seeing menu..*happily*
later when half-way eating time look like wanna *puke*..
pay bills time..sure gt pack back wan~hah
saw my friend there, chee kin and his brother+family [from the korea trip(went together)]..
quite fun..
haiz now aso so late adi..
gtg tata~
Posted by *Catherine* at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 30, 2010
gab's b'day party~
today went to gabriel party. so fun
play water fight..
at first ok wan can escape from the water..
later dunno why kena splash pulak...haiz..
whole body wet..some more i wore the sweater and jeans...
so cold..went in to the house gt fan walau so cold..
use towel to dry myself...but still wet lo..
gt play games and ate cake~ the food aso very nice~
came back at 9.40...went at 5..
so long~
later gt do some dancing competition~
everyone dance so funny~only i, ashika bro and some girls din dance lucky~
so now very tired.. 12 a.m.
still blogging haha..~
tat's all i think hehex
Posted by *Catherine* at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
merentas desa
today merentas desa so tired..walk and run wif jo-yen~hehe
later pulak got practice volleyball...haiz..
so freaking tired..==
anyway this is the pictuce of someof my b'day things lo..my b'day cake!! so nice~
thank qao minn!!
thanks jo-yen!!
Posted by *Catherine* at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
so fun!!
today in school a lot of people say happy birthday to me~ >.<
tq tq~
then later in class before rehat all the teacher aso din come~
everyone soo happy~
then later i,porvin,jo-yen,yugen,nina and ling jie play true or dare~but only can play dare
then we all dare everyone so fun haha
then later we all dare ling jie go hug reshan soo funny everyone laugh like mad...
but later they say dun hug reshan hug jeremy boey~
then ling jie sit beside jeremy..all the boys say jeremy dun go just stay there~
den when he know adi..he say no then ask ling jie to hug weng wah..
then ling jie go ask ling jie say can gimme a hug?
weng wah say NO
everyone laugh like mad again..then suddenly gt teacher come in..everyone go quite again haha..
anyway today soo fun~ >.< so happy~
at least today have a fun day except something lo..haiz..
so fun today ^^
Posted by *Catherine* at 3:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
my birthday!!!
today sharp at 12 a.m celebrate my 'day~
wait until 12 a.m~
today planning to give chocolates and sweets like the old tradition in my old school
cause normally birthday people must belanja something wan~hehe
anyway now i am officially 14!! booyah~
so happy~>.<
gtg ciau~
Posted by *Catherine* at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
しかしへの愛人間..への人間のhaiz ..
いくつかの愛を意味されていません/ ..することを意図しない
Posted by *Catherine* at 11:39 PM 0 comments
당신을 생각
understand tat meaning??
hehe i bet u dunno~
means => Thinking of you >.<
nice meaning~
wonder who does this at 11:11 at night~ so nice ^.~
Posted by *Catherine* at 10:49 PM 0 comments
wat a crazy day >.<
Today i wake up at 10..so tired..
then go online a while,later get ready go hui ching's house..
to see NATALIE!! ahh so happy..
soo long din see her adi ^~^
went swinmming the whole time
gt do triangle and splashing like mad people hehex
i think me,natalie,hui ching,mun yee and michael chok go there~all old friend~ >.<
but of couse ate lunch lo~the food very nice!!!!
but fun must aso end right?
father came fetch me go practice in school~at 4.30
say good bye to natalie.. :( can only see again in another 2 years..sad..
so later go practice volleyball!!
yay so long din go,everyone's skill all go down adi..
i pulak so freaking tired but still go see so loyal~[(no la)actually almost energy used up ad]
haiz...but al least can tahan lo~can spike aso le~soo happy!! >D
i can spike all the ball so happy! but my timing a little not tat good lo~
still gt practice but coach ask me and ryan go teach the junior~
so no need do so much spiking~yay!!
then at 7.30 go back..
wa now so tired..so sleepy but write on blog first so later dun forget~
haha so happy today..but still i feel really bad for qao min...SORRY T_T
Posted by *Catherine* at 5:02 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
today gt go school for koko today~
gt nominated as ajk form 2 in chess
gt "some" good thing happen today...again soooo high
later go back time eat at po yap restaurant~
eat nasi lemak..saw a few shooolmate there aso~
then later go jo-yen's house for sivik projek lo
stilll can't stop smilling XD :)
soo now came back adi...
soooooo tired..wanna slep liau
eyes barely can open haha
Posted by *Catherine* at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
today went to line up for the koko choices~
gt chess,bsmm and koir(being for to..T.T)
only koir at tat time no one leh..so sad
but anyway gt gooooooood things happen~3 good things today~
hehe..tell only one ~
first is renee maybe going to request to join my clas!!yay!!
the other 2 is secret~but is bout...~>.<
until now aso i can't stop smilling OoO
my friends say i too high adi~high~haha
but anyway..need go sleep liau~
Posted by *Catherine* at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
koko choice
yester day gt the form
so i wrote la
unit beruniform is 1 bbsm,2 bbsm.3 bbsm.~all three choices aso hehex
then for the permainan choose 1 catur,2 badminton,3 bola tampar..
then persatuan..take nice wan~
1 kraftangan,2 komputer,3 fotografi
not so sure wat my other friend choose but the permainan sane with qao min~
today quite fun~also can't wait for 21 january!!my b'day
duno where to celebrate..maybe in school lo..just give some sweet~to some people
tat's all for today..haiz so lazy to write =.= but at least i finish my homework..
today start revision..
*slap* wake up
Posted by *Catherine* at 3:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
first day~
today is 4/01/2010..
start school today~
sit beside jo-yen front is loong hui..beside is wan seng behind is liandra..
this class quite presuring le..haiz
anyway gambate!!haha
hope next year also can mantain in this class~
a lot of my friends go down adi..but a lot of people aso gt come up(walau O.O)
chunted!!congrats congrats for those who come up~
sooo..now..quite personal thing..who is in llll class??hmm
today vote wan seng as class monitor but he change with ee ling so now he become penolong
pity ee ling another though year~haha
try putting min and ws together but fail haiz...so sad T_T
nvm..next time try again
sooo today saw tat someone..walau can't stop smiling of course din show out la..
haiz missing .....
swt le @_@
sooo long vocation aso have the same reaction haiz...
anyway..now is only 10.45...soo early..dun wan sleep yet..
try beat my rocord of sleeping at 3 hehex no la..
only 2...haiz
Posted by *Catherine* at 6:26 AM 0 comments